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Densen De Magic Demagnetizer

Return to the Future

[Italian version]

Product: Densen De Magic CD
Manufacturer: Densen - DK
Approximate price: 15 Euro
Reviewer: Stefano Monteferri
Reviewed: January 2001

[The Densen De Magic]
The Densen De Magic Demagnetizing CD

From the Scandinavian south, Denmark, arrives for trial on the pages of TNT-Audio, a product which is in some aspects amazing: the Densen De Magic! Is this perhaps one of those particular systems of amplification typical of the firm, well known, to audiophiles at least, for their unusual look, dominated by the presence of those enormous golden knobs on the "dark as pitch" front panel? Not at all. The object that I have at hand, has the aspect of a common musical CD that, in compliance to its representing the "family" feeling of the firm of Esbjerg, is provided in a sparkling "Gold" version. The usual test disk, therefore? Not really, and the surprise is really this: the De Magic promises an improvement of the musical performances of the system in which it is used, conditional only in that you let it play for at least three minutes.

Unbelievable? The technical explanation furnished by Densen doesn't seem illogical. Acting on an experimental basis in the factory laboratories, they noticed how a signal of consistent intensity, running through the signal path of an amplifier, produced a beneficial effect on the quality of the sound. Further tests led them to define an algorithm of signals that produced benefits to the listening experience in terms of soundstage reconstruction, transparency, detail and dynamics. The explanation for all of this lies in the fact that small magnetic domains, present on the run of the signal tend, with time, to orient themselves in a particular direction, and this introduces a degradation of the musical signal.

According to Densen, the signal encoded on the De Magic is able to redirect such small magnets, eliminating the magnetic field and, accordingly, its negative effects on the quality of the sound. It seems that Studies conducted at the University of Seoul, in Korea, have scientifically shown the validity of the theory developed by Densen

Illustrious precedents? Well: I still have, somewhere, my tape deck head demagnetizer. I have to admit, however, that in this case, it is clear what this object is designed for.

The listening

The listening test must be conducted with a great deal of attention, because there will be no way, at least not immediately on the same system, to conduct another test. It will be necessary, in fact, to wait until the system, after a certain period of use (and therefore of time), finally (?) degrades in its musical performance. We will have, then, another opportunity to perform a further listening test.

The CD contains a single track of three minutes in duration, that contains a musical signal (or better, a noise...) that surely will arouse the interest of the " U.F.O maniacs... " :-).

Well, after having tried the golden diskette in several systems, I have to admit that its use seems to produce audible and meaningful listening results. I have had, in fact, the feeling that the sound, at the end of the treatment, appeared cleaner and more transparent, with beneficial effects in regard to the soundstage. It seems as if a light curtain, that somehow darkened the musical signal, had been removed. The most evident improvement is in the higher end of the spectrum, where the sound clears, eliminating in some cases, a certain feeling of granularity on the upper midrange, but beneficial effects are also appreciated on the micro-contrast and naturalness of emission.


Considering all the unused space available on the CD, I think that it would have been desirable, and of a certain utility for the user, to insert in the CD some additional functions to further the optimization of the system (I.E champions of frequencies, useful signals for balancing, and the break-in of the components, etc.). At normal volume, the noise is annoying enough. It is better, therefore, to avoid staying in the listening room while the system reproduces the golden CD.


I would say that it is rather intuitive, on the basis of the theory developed by Densen, that the results can vary from the " perceptible " to the " meaningful ". It depends on the entirety of the magnetic field resulting from the orientation of the small magnets on the run of the signal, and even from the circuit layout of the equipment in which the De Magic is used. The layout, in fact, could affect to a greater or lesser degree, the ability to sense the negative effects induced by the magnetic field.

It would seem therefore " smart " to use the product as prevention: It's regular use would allow you in fact to maintain your system under the best conditions of operation, preventing degradation of the sound caused by the buildup of magnetic fields.

Considering the low cost, Densen De Magic is an affordable product for everybody, and then, after all, a cleaning of the circuits in your system, every now and then, is not a bad habit, is it?

© Copyright 2001 Stefano Monteferri - https://www.tnt-audio.com

Translation: Gioachino Lorelli - HTMLer & supervisor : Michael McDonald

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