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HI-FI SHOW '99 - London - UK

[Italian version]

It's coming to this time of the year again.

Each fall for the last fifteen years London has hosted the HiFi-Show. Traditionally referred to by name of the Hotel the Show was held in. It started a long time ago as "Penta-Show", later the Hotel became part of the Ramada Chain and the Show became the Ramada-Show. This year it takes place at the (Hammersmith) Novotel Hotel (near Hammersmith Tube)

I think I will dodgingly call it the Penta-Show, if only to distinguish it from all the other show's called Hi-Fi Show.

This Year the Penta-Show will take place from the 23rd to the 26th September 1999. The first two Day's are trade only and so for most of our Readers the Doors are open on Saturday and Sunday (25 and 26).
While one really does not need any special reason to spend a weekend in London, the Penta-Show certainly is another good reason to drop by.

And it is certainly a unique Show. A lot of that has to do with the History of HiFi in the UK itself. The Penta-Show was always connected with the worldwide respected and read HiFi-News Magazine.

Recently the growth in the Home Theater and AV Areas has made even the huge (ex.) Penta Hotel too small. Indeed the good old Penta-Show is now Europe's biggest HiFi Event.

This is the European HiFi Event to see. As usual, all the Major UK-Based HiFi Makers will be there and showing their latest Products. It seems that the attendance will be up from last Year. Various Demo's of High Resolution Digital Formats are promised. Various new Products will be introduced, including the first new design Quad Valve Amplifier in many years and other interesting stuff....

But that is not why I go there. What makes the Penta-Show so unique is the large showing of many small and independent HiFi Manufacturers from all over the UK and Europe.

In addition there is a good chance that at least two of your TNT Correspondents will be roaming the grounds. I will certainly be there with an eye primarily for the latest in Analogue Replay and Thermoionic Valves. Detecting me will be EASY as I will be prouly wearing our hot new Official TNT-Audio shirt

So here it's again in brief:

THE HI-FI SHOW '99 (Penta-Show)

Days open to the Public: 25th and 26th of September

Open from 10 am to 6 pm.

Entry is 5 UK Pound per Person (was 4 UKP last year)

To get there:

Just take the Tube till Hammersmith. The hotel is very close to the Hammersmith Tube.

See Ya there.

Big ThanX to Janet Belton (Linkhouse) and Stella Allan (Image Wizard Ltd) for providing me with info presented here.

© Copyright 1999 Thorsten Loesch - https://www.tnt-audio.com

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