If your heart beats LOUD for 2-channel HiFi systems you can't miss the one and only solely-Audio (not Video nor HT!) HiFi Show in Italy! The Milano Hi-End organizers are proud to announce the 4th edition of this HiFi-Only Show.
Everything will happen - as usual - near Milan (Assago - Milanofiori, Strada 1 - Milanofiori, tangenziale Ovest, exit: Milanofiori) the 22nd and the 23rd of February 2003 at the Centro Congressi Milanofiori - Jolly Hotel. Opening hours: from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, free entrance, Vintage HiFi expo and 18 listening rooms. Here's a list of brands which will be demo'ed at the Show:
The Sound Of The Valve, Lowther - Relco Audio, Vincent & T.A.C. - Quad, Braun LE1, Corfac2, Amphion, Brinkmann - Kiom - Emgi Audio - Crea Audio Elite: Aloia, Trinaudio - Ultrasound - Bowler, Marel, Morsiani - Audio Coils - Studio Progettazione Audio, Imago Electroacustic C. - Audio Vision - Sotis Audio - Armonia Hi-Fi - Montagna elettroacustica - North Star, Extreme Audio, Sigma Acoustic - Stargate, Pigreco - Absoluta - Burmester, Kondo Lab, Brinkmann, Music Tools, Red Rose Music - Nadir.
Furthermore, there will be both "static" and "dynamic" demos from:
Furthermore some Live Music is scheduled. More precisely, a Jazz-gospel concert: Cristiano Heredia playing a vintage Hammond organ together with the vocalist Barbara Sommovigo Casale. More infos on the concert here.
As an established tradition, the organizers have paid attention to the quality of the sound into the rooms, using acoustic corrections so to get the best results out of any HiFi system. Also, thanks to the fact no Home Theater rooms will be allowed, your listening tests won't be disturbed by dinosaurs or Tom Cruise's walking near you.
The leading Italian HiFi magazines will attend too and also TNT-Audio will hopefully be there, so to tell you what's going on in Italy.
For more infos don't hesitate to contact the organizers: Stefano Zaini of The Sound of the Valve - Tel. - Fax. ++39 0382 - 71428, mobile: 338 - 2584737 - E-mail: soundvalve-lowther@libero.it - Official Show web site: http://web.tiscalinet.it/thesoundofthevalve/page8.html
© Copyright 2003 Lucio Cadeddu - https://www.tnt-audio.com