Termoionica Applicata® (aka Applied Thermoionics) is a project created and designed by Giorgio Pozzoli and Lucio Cadeddu, aimed to propose ideas and DIY projects which make use of thermoionic tubes for ultimate audio performance.
The approach will be the simplest possible, following the main ideas behind the TNT-Audio project: no-frills, no hype, no-nonsense, just Pure HiFi Passion.
This section will host both general articles about tubes and original DIY projects such as preamps, power amps and integrateds.Since TNT-Audio is a fully non-profit project even this section Termoionica Applicata doesn't sell anything. Each project presented here will be FREE for everyone.
We don't sell parts, DIY kits or schemes.
For the same reason nobody has the right to use the ideas, schemes and projects of Termoionica Applicata for profit intents (rent or sale). Nobody can reprint or re-publish the articles contained into this section without explicit agreement with TNT-Audio and its respective Authors.
Before reading any further please have a look at the important Disclaimer about safety and warranties.Any commercial or for-profit manufacturing, production, distribution, rental, or charge for use of the material presented without express written consent of the respective authors and TNT-Audio is prohibited, and punishable by law.
All right reserved worldwide.
© Copyright 1999-2015 TNT-Audio
Termoionica Applicata® name and logo created by Lucio Cadeddu