iFi Zenphono 3

Better and Better

[Italian version here]

Product: iFi ZenPhono 3 phono stage
Manufacturer: iFi Audio - UK/USA
Recommended Retail Price: ±€249
Reviewer: Piero Canova - TNT-Audio Italy
Reviewed: July, 2024


We have been witnessing the second youth of the vinyl format for years now. We at TNT have been highlighting this for years but now I think it is clear to everyone that today there are vinyl records on sale at electronics chains, bookshops, newsstands as well as specialized shops. Furthermore, electronics manufacturers are starting to understand that many of these potential customers don't want something super sophisticated because their goal is to listen to the music and not the system. Many of these new vinyl enthusiasts (or returning enthusiasts) don't even have the expertise or desire to seek out rare or sophisticated recordings; perhaps they found their parents' old vinyl records in the attic which will not have been preserved in the best possible way and therefore some will be wavy or off-center so a simple, well-sounding, reasonably inexpensive phono preamp that will help them enjoy even less than perfect records it's probably the perfect solution.

In December last year I had the pleasure of trying the ZenPhono model by iFi Audio and obtaining excellent impressions; About a month ago I was contacted by iFi to ask me if I wanted to try their new ZenPhono3 model telling me that it has some new features that I would really like. They intrigued me a lot and, seeing as I had some time available again, I agreed to review it and tell you about these new features.

What are we talking about

The box and case of the phono preamp are the same as the previous model and it seems very correct to me given that in this way costs can be effectively contained. The same applies to the external 5V power supply and the operating instructions. The back is absolutely identical with the same connections and the same switch to choose the type of cartridge (MM or MC) and the required gain. So far nothing new you will tell me but now please read the claims that iFi declares regarding this new model.

They are rather important and interesting claims to evaluate; let's see how our ZenPhono3 behaves in reality.

How does it sound?

After running-in to put it in the best operating conditions and we start replicating the listening done on the ZenPhono model a few months ago. The cartridges used are a Shelter 901 and a ZYX R1000 Airy 3S. To begin with, at the settings level we have independent gain and load and the latter is controlled by a very practical switch on the front. So now you have all the gain you need to use also very low output cartridges, and you can choose the load independently and without having to turn over the phono preamp or look for it on the back. Very practical and very functional. The background noise level is truly reduced to imperceptible levels. I honestly think it's one of the quietest phono preamps I've tried and certainly its background noise disappears inside my system so I think it's difficult to ask for more.

The quality of the RIAA seemed excellent to me. I don't have any tools to measure it but when I listened it all seemed very correct.

Testing the subsonic filter was more difficult because you have to find a wavy or off-center disk to evaluate the behavior and then I wanted to compare it with another device that had a subsonic filter to understand if the "intelligent subsonic filter" had superior performance to those of a normal subsonic filter. The guinea pig record was the 40th anniversary commemorative edition of "The Dark Side of the Moon" which has some beautiful ripples thanks to my postman leaving it out in the sun for a day. For the comparison with the subsonic filter I borrowed an Aqvox 2CI MK II since none of my current phono preamps have it on board. While with the Aqvox you can feel when the filter is inserted, with the ZenPhono3 this is not felt. The low range remains exactly the same whether the filter is on or off, in fact, with the filter on it seems more dynamic and authoritative. The explanation I gave myself is that with the filter inserted, a portion of power is released that would otherwise be used for subsonic frequencies, so the record sounds better with the filter inserted. The "intelligent subsonic filter" reduces but does not completely eliminate the sonic impact of the ripples. However, listening to a heavily wavy record is much more enjoyable with the subsonic filter on.

In general, listening confirms the impressions received in the previous test. It is a very balanced and enjoyable sound which, compared to devices costing orders of magnitude more, loses only a little in treble refinement and body of presentation. In this regard, I took the liberty of doing an off-record test by replacing the standard power supply of the ZenPhono3 with a linear power supply also at 5V DC but decidedly more substantial. My feeling is that with this modification a fair amount of weight and presence is recovered, bringing the performance of the ZenPhono 3 to the levels of competitors clearly above €1000.


Compared to the basic model, the ZenPhono 3 offers better performance for just €50 more. In my opinion they are among the best €50 you can spend. By adapting to almost any cartridge you decide to use it will allow you to listen to your vinyl very well and will help you enjoy even the less than perfect records. It consumes very little and you can place it wherever you want because it takes up very little space. An excellent proposal to enter the world of vinyl with the possibility of following any evolution of your system. Very well done!

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